Steve Burton has handled numerous accident cases very successfully over the past three decades. Steve is very selective in the cases he accepts because he does all of the work himself from intake to completion. Steve will not delegate any of this important work and will know everything about your case. You will not have to deal with attorneys who are not well versed in your matter. The one on one contact will be maintained so you know who is responsible for and working on your important case.
Steve has had many cases settle or be resolved after a jury verdict for six figures and some for seven figures. Steve will never make a promise that he cannot keep in order to induce you to let him handle your case, nor will he make an unrealistic promise. Oftentimes, an attorney may entice a client by claiming that they will receive a tremendous amount of money only to recommend a settlement much later for pennies on the dollar compared to what was promised. Steve only pledges to do first class work and get the best result an attorney can get with the case that you give him. He knows from almost thirty years of experience what the range should be for a good settlement and also knows what variables affect that range. He is very cautious not to make any promise to induce a client to retain him other than that he will do his very best to get the client the most money that he or she should receive. That means that if Steve feels that the case lacks merit, he will decline to accept it. Steve desires to be a low volume, high quality case law firm.
Steve has handled numerous car accidents. In fact, he was the first attorney in New York State to have a jury award punitive damages against a drunk driver in a civil accident case before Justice McCabe in Nassau County Supreme Court in the 1980’s. In addition, Steve has obtained many high settlements in dog bite cases as well as in slip and fall cases.
Steve is well versed in the law of abnormally dangerous activities. He was counsel for many affected families and handled the wrongful death case resulting from the Grucci Fireworks explosion case. In November of 1983, the Grucci Fireworks Factory in North Bellport exploded and the force of the explosion could be felt far away. Homes imploded, people were seriously injured and, unfortunately, two persons perished. Steve was the only attorney with multiple clients who was there from the inception of the case to its very successful completion in 1997. It was one of the most complicated and protracted litigations in Suffolk County spanning a period of fourteen years. Steve started the cases in his late 20’s and finished them in his early 40’s.
Steve has also handled many infant compromise cases wherein a child is injured in an accident or is the victim of a dog bite.
Please call Steve Burton to discuss your potential negligence case.